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We have some exciting topics planned for discussion in February...
1 Supply Chain
What do the changing requirements of the food supply chain mean for Norfolk’s Farmers
2 Bio-security for plants and animals
What is the UK’s preparedness?
3 Mapping the landscape
Auditing the land for food production and the environment
... and some great speakers
0815 - 0900
with tea and coffee
0900 - 0905
Take your seats
Launch of the Norfolk Rural Business Awards
0905 - 0910
Welcome and introduction
with Dr Belinda Clarke, Conference Chair
0915 - 0945
Opening address
Speaker to be confirmed
0945 - 1030
Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain
Vidyanath Gururajan,
Projects Director Branston
Session 1
0945 - 1030
​Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain
Ash Gilman,
Director Agricultural Strategy Cranswick Plc
Session 1
0945 - 1030
​Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain
Prof Debbie Sparkes,
Agriculture Science Manager Diageo
Session 1
1100 - 1130
with tea and coffee
Session 1
1030 - 1100
Case study: Implications for Norfolk's farmers
James Green,
Group Director of Agriculture G’s
Session 1
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals
Prof Jonathan Jones FRS DL,
The Sainsbury Laboratory
Session 2
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals
Richard McIntosh,
Assistant Chief Plant Health
Officer Defra
Session 2
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals
Sascha Van Helvoort,
Outbreak Veterinary
Session 2
1215 - 1245
Case study:
Ian Baker,
North Farm Livestock
Session 2
1245 - 1345
and networking
Session 2
1345 - 1415
Keynote address
Séan Rickard,
Session 2
1415 - 1445
with tea and coffee
Session 2
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment
Peter Craven,
Head of Agriculture Natural England
Session 3
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment
Sir Charles Godfray CBE FRS,
Director Oxford Martin School
Session 3
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment
Diana Overton,
Deputy Group Managing Director Frontier
Session 3
1530 - 1600
Case study: Land management vision
Archie Ruggles-Brise,
Spains Hall Estate
Session 3
1625 - 1630
Closing remarks
Conference Chair
1600 - 1625
Keynote closing address: Making sense of it all
Paul Temple,
Wold Farm Driffield and Vice-Chairman at Global Farmer Network
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