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Speakers from across the country and overseas, covered some of the MOST EXCITING farming and food production initiatives of our time. Closer to home, the conference heard from young producers involved with the RNAA’s Norfolk Voices for Norfolk Futures initiative, representing the INDUSTRY'S NEXT GENERATION

Farming Conference Brand Board_V2 (2).png

Get next year's conference dates in the diary

0815 - 0900

with tea and coffee

0900 - 0905
Take your seats

Launch of the Norfolk Rural Business Awards

0905 - 0910
Welcome and introduction

with Dr Belinda Clarke, Conference Chair

0915 - 0945
Opening address

Speaker to be confirmed

0945 - 1030
Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain

Vidyanath Gururajan,
Projects Director Branston

Session 1
0945 - 1030
​Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain

Ash Gilman,
Director Agricultural Strategy Cranswick Plc

Session 1
0945 - 1030
​Changing requirements of the Food Supply chain

Prof Debbie Sparkes,
Agriculture Science Manager Diageo

Session 1
1100 - 1130

with tea and coffee

Session 1
1030 - 1100
Case study: Implications for Norfolk's farmers

James Green,
Group Director of Agriculture G’s

Session 1
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals

Prof Jonathan Jones FRS DL,
The Sainsbury Laboratory

Session 2
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals

Richard McIntosh,
Assistant Chief Plant Health
Officer Defra

Session 2
1130 - 1215
Is the UK prepared? Biosecurity for plants and animals

Sascha Van Helvoort,
Outbreak Veterinary

Session 2
1215 - 1245
Case study:

Ian Baker,
North Farm Livestock

Session 2
1245 - 1345

and networking

Session 2
1345 - 1415
Keynote address

Séan Rickard,

Session 2
1415 - 1445

with tea and coffee

Session 2
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment

Peter Craven,
Head of Agriculture Natural England

Session 3
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment

Sir Charles Godfray,
Director Oxford Martin School

Session 3
1445 - 1530
Mapping the landscape - auditing the land for food production and the environment

Diana Overton,
Deputy Group Managing Director Frontier

Session 3
1530 - 1600
Case study: Land management vision

Archie Ruggles-Brise,
Spains Hall Estate


Session 3
1625 - 1630
Closing remarks

Conference Chair

1600 - 1625
Keynote closing address: Making sense of it all

Paul Temple,
Wold Farm Driffield and Vice-Chairman at Global Farmer Network

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